Thursday, February 21, 2008

Emergency Preparedness Was On Fire!

I was honored to do another interactive seminar for Bridge Housing in San Francisco. This seminar was focused on preparing for an emergency. It is hard not to live in a bubble where we think emergencies will never REALLY happen. We get so caught up in our daily lives that preparing for the worst is just not a priority. But then when we think about 911 or New Orleans, etc., and we begin to realize that emergency situations do occur and that we need to figure out how to handle them before we are blind-sided by them. Here is what some of Bridge Housing's gracious Resident Managers had to say about my emergency seminar:
"It made me realize the importance of having a plan and being prepared." - Kathie Miller
"This was a wonderful exercise. I intend to reinact it with my site staff." - Salette Campos

I love providing tools for other's success and would enjoy providing your company a tailored training on any version of emergency preparedness.
-Ms. Merrie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I worked at BRIDGE Housing and always enjoyed Merrie's presentations. She came to staff meeting on several occasions throughout the year and presented knowledgably on several property management fronts.